
Last night I made a presentation on the “Business of Drupal” to the Sydney Drupal users meetup.

I’ve been working with this hypothesis while working on Drupal 7 sites. I don’t think it’s necessarily revolutionary, but I would like some feedback.

I run my Drupal crons with Drush and Jenkins, and have been running into a race co

Mapping on Drupal 7 is still in flux but a lot can be achieved already. I really like Openlayers so I wanted to find a solution that revolved around that.

Mapping on Drupal 7 is still in flux but a lot can be achieved already. I really like Openlayers so I wanted to find a solution that revolved around that.

Mapping on Drupal 7 is still in flux but a lot can be achieved already. I really like Openlayers so I wanted to find a solution that revolved around that.

The 2nd release candidate of OG7 is out, and it's probably a good time to tell the (Drupal) planet about what's new and about the things that I learned since the first official release (See OG's
