
One of difficulties of Drupal is the fragmentation of administration interfaces. Chapter Three addresses this difficulty by customizing the administration experience by championing the Panels as The Administrative Interface.

One of difficulties of Drupal is the fragmentation of administration interfaces. Chapter Three addresses this difficulty by customizing the administration experience by championing the Panels as The Administrative Interface.

One of difficulties of Drupal is the fragmentation of administration interfaces. Chapter Three addresses this difficulty by customizing the administration experience by championing the Panels as The Administrative Interface.

One of difficulties of Drupal is the fragmentation of administration interfaces. Chapter Three addresses this difficulty by customizing the administration experience by championing the Panels as The Administrative Interface.

Powering Views Through Panels

The user modal is an interesting module we’ve been working lately in gizra for, and I’d like to share our experience.

Drupal News is a collection of interesting Drupal related links and news items that I have found over the past week.


One Newbie's Understanding:
