
For a long time here at Marmaladesoul we’ve felt that Drupal has a missing link.

Since D7 came out, there are many people who are skeptical about how easy it is to manage media types and files. What if we want to make a gallery only images or a gallery of videos? What modules are best to use to make this job simple?

I am a big fan of the Display Suite module. Its quite flexible and gets you up and running with a look/feel fairly quickly.

I am a big fan of the Display Suite module. Its quite flexible and gets you up and running with a look/feel fairly quickly.

I am a big fan of the Display Suite module. Its quite flexible and gets you up and running with a look/feel fairly quickly.

A Drupal upgrade between major versions rarely means doing the upgrade procedure once.

A Drupal upgrade between major versions rarely means doing the upgrade procedure once.

Although the following code (a video embed code to be used by visitors of a video site) is discussed in the light of a MediaMosa related site, the implementation can easily be generalized to other video solutions.

This is a short preview from my forthcoming e-book Building Your Blog With Drupal 7. There are two sections previewed here.
