Sometimes when developing with Drupal you need to execute heavy scripts during cron, for example: your website has a "subscription" feature where users pay a montly fee to access premium content.
This post describes generally how to create ajax paging comments, how to package the created comments into a feature, and how to override default views created by modules.
Following my previous post, and after getting some great reaction from the community via IRC and in Drupalcamp Toulouse, I’d like to share both my though
Drupal 7.10, a maintenance release with numerous bug fixes (no security fixes) is now available for download. Several major bugs, including one causing errors with the 5.x branch of Drush, have been fixed this release.
Last weekends we held great drupal event -- DrupalCamp Donetsk 2011. This is one of the places of next year UEFA EURO 2012 and it was really great place for our meetup.