
I've been experimenting with installation profiles for some time now.

I've been experimenting with installation profiles for some time now.

Uberdrupal: from distribution to profile - Part I

This post was originally written in June of 2007 on

My biggest screencast series so far is being posted, as a result of a four-week Drupal course. Feel free to join!

Why configuration module over features module?

While building my Drupal 7 profile I started playing around with Jenkins CI. My reasons for doing so were two fold:

You mean you aren't already attending what will likely be the largest web developer conference in the Western US this year? What are you waiting for? Not sure if it will be worth it? It will be. Oh, it will be...

On my last blog post I talked about Message notify module, and mentioned we were using it to send digest emails.

One of the things I'll miss about Louisville, KY when I move my family to Greenville, SC next month is the buying club we're a part of that sources raw / organic foods and other products from local farms and other good companies.
