
Drupalistas met in Rome on the 25th and 26th of February 2012 and discussed Drupal Products - this is an summary of what I got from the meeting.

On January 2, I announced that I was looking for a job. Since that announcement, I’ve talked with >65 companies. I’ve had actual interviews with >30 of them.

Recently at the ol' day job, we got word through our website bugs alias that there was a duplicate version of the website located at a different, garbage URL.

[box type="note"]If you have issues with these directions, please read the alternate directions for installing on a shared host manually without using Pear. MediaTemple is one provider where you must use the alternate directions to get Drush worki

I've been doing a lot of Drupal Commerce work recently, it's pretty much my full-time job.

I've been doing a lot of Drupal Commerce work recently, it's pretty much my full-time job.
