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At least once a week, I get a request from someone that wants me to “demo” Drupal. The request seems simple enough.
Drush is a very powerful tool that can be used for a variety of site building and maintenance tasks.
Image Upload Block
If you're serious about Drupal development, you probably use Drush and
On Monday, July 2 from 6:00 PM to 6:30 PM PDT (01:00 to 01:30 UTC), drupal.org will be briefly brought down for updates.
How to provide semantic pop-up definitions
This module (which requires the Silverpop XML API module to be installed) provides the facility to add recipients to a Silverpop database.
I recently needed to migrate a Drupal 7 site running on a MySQL 5.5 database to a PostgreSQL 9.1 database. This brief post describes the steps I took to achieve this. The steps outlined here were only tested on Ubuntu 10.04