
On a Drupal 6 project I worked on, we had to develop REST webservices for communicating with a mobile application. One of the services required was returning the search results of Apache Solr.

I’ve recently created USPS tracking module for Drupal, so users could get notifications when their international packages change state.

I’ve recently created USPS tracking module for Drupal, so users could get notifications when their international packages change state.

Here is how you can use the Feeds module to bulk import data using CSV files. This covers file uploads and taxonomies too. 

The requirement:

In this entry, you'll learn how to use the Feeds module to import data using CSV files.

Drupal Global Training Days are a recent initiative in the Drupal community, created this year by the Drupal Association to help spread Drupal adoption.

I recently had to make a Google map with projects on it. Some projects had the same location (even if you zoomed in). This caused problems when clicking on the markers.

I recently had to make a Google map with projects on it. Some projects had the same location (even if you zoomed in). This caused problems when clicking on the markers.

In preparation for my talk at Drupalcamp Spain 2012 about Symfony in Drupal 8 I made a list of some relevant issues and posts related to the to
