
Features is a popular module that’s been circulating around in the Drupalsphere for over three years.

We have agreed and completed an acquisition of fellow UK North West based Drupal agency Leafish.

Today is the 22th of november so there are 8 days left to get features into drupal core until feature freeze,
so just today went so many changes in that you could write a whole book with just that.

Today is the 22th of november so there are 8 days left to get features into drupal core until feature freeze,
so just today went so many changes in that you could write a whole book with just that.

Too many changes

Single image: 

Daniel Wehner


It's been a while since I've had time to share my Drupal experiences with the community. New additions to the family, moving, and a large / length Drupal project have taken up my time.

I've posted a couple of times before about the Mollom service I use to filter comme
