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Disclaimer: This contents of this post are probably quite obvious to most front-end Drupal developers.
I think that lowering the barrier to user registration is important for sites that are striving to build a social community to look at.
I've read The Definitive Guide to Drupal 7 cover to cover, I've read through countless docblocks of code comments, and through endless blog posts here on the Drupal Planet.
The first sponsor for DrupalCamp PK was engaged and secured in Finland at DrupalCamp Helsinki!
Hope y’all had an awesome Christmas and are gearing up for a farewell to 2012… back to our speaker feedback series…
Happy holidays! After a few days off, it's back to Drupal theming for me.
A small problem in Drupal occurs when developing new modules, or installation profiles. Content.
Completed Drupal site or project URL: http://peer1.com/