
It's well known that websites have traffic patterns and that there are those times of the day/week/month/year were traffic predictably increases or decreases.

Date: Monday, January 28, 2013 - 19:00 to 21:00

My last post has been a while ... in that I announced that there would be another event right before FOSDEM ... I totally forgot to announce it here but I`m sure that most of you already know. Yes.

The Module Off is off to a great start. We've had more than a thousand visitors to the site, and 12 intrepid Drupalists took a shot at the first ever challenge.

Have a pet problem that you need help with, but don't have the resources to hire somebody to work on it? This Saturday at 1pm and 1:30pm MST, I'm going to pick two people to give 1-on-1 support to via Google Hangouts.

This morning someone tweeted at me about a problem with the out-of-the-box archive view in Drupal.

I previously wrote about how to install Drupal 7 completely on Akiban.

I finally got a copy of my new book, Programmer's Guide to Drupal in the mail yesterday -- it's very satisfying to see it in print.

Replacing checkboxes with itoggles is a usability improvement and makes Drupal administration more mobile friendly. After a lot of work we've managed to get it working and here is how...

