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For a good and fast search engine on your website, you may want to use Solr. It is especially useful for a large amount of data.
Another Drupal module development challenge has ended here at The Module Off.
Is an open graphic design process possible in open source projects?
This episode goes over a basic overview of Drupal Commerce and how it can be used to create a Drupal 7 based ecommerce website.
In this episode you will learn:
The bulk of Drupal hosting for clients that we deal with is on virtual servers, whether they are marketed as "cloud" or not.
Google charts is one of the services that has fantastic documentation, allowing you to really dig into it and get the best possible result.
Following my posts regarding to Paypal recurring payments, I was asked to fill the gap that was left there - how to setup the needed Rules in order to manage the payments.
It took me a while, but here it is.