
Inspired by awsamuel's "stirring first person narrative" on the's reasons for choosing Drupal, I was compelled to sh

During the OSCON in Amsterdam, Drupal people will come together and discuss the current state

It has taken us a few weeks to get things sorted with the Drupal donations but as of Friday 8/19/2005 we are officially on track.

I played a bit with the colors of my blog theme. I'm no usabiliy expert, but I think it's a bit cleaner now and looks better.

Please report if I have broken something.

I cleaned up my blog a bit, today (various smaller updates, removed spam comments and trackbacks from my moderation queue etc.).

Everyone using Drupal should upgrade ASAP to the new Drupal 4.6.3 (or 4.5.5 if you're running 4.5.x), as a serious security vulnerability

With just three weeks to go in the Google Summer of Code project, it's time to look at what our student stipend recipients have done so far, and what we as a community can do to

I released a first version of my Drupal security.module yesterday.
