
2020-10-22 18:30 - 20:00 America/Los_Angeles





A Beginner's Guide to AutoCAD

How would you like to be able to set up an ecommerce platform on your drupal site in less than 60 seconds? You can!

COVID-19 Developer Impact Survey by Perforce Finds 19% Reporting 6+ Hour Increase Per Work Week

From its conception, the fundamental (ground) idea of the internet was the exchange of information through code snippets of a markup language. This is still the ground principle that moves the internet these days.

Have you ever happily pushed your latest piece of work ready for others to test only to have it fail the build on coding standards? If so, git pre commit hooks could be your friend!

Google  has made gigantic leaps in streamlining search results -- to the point that more than 50% of Google searches no longer result in a click-through to a website or other content.

In preparation for the minor release, Drupal 9.1.x will enter the alpha phase the week of October 19th, 2020.
