
It’s no surprise to anyone in the open source software world, or any business, that funding is the center of how things get done.

73% of organizations suffered data breaches caused by phishing in the last year

IGEL Launches the UD Pocket2, a Portable Dual Mode USB Device for Secure End User Computing from Anywhere

What the what?!

Sad Drupal is Sad. :'(

Layout plugins in Drupal are typically declared via a YML file, with the regions nominated ahead of time.

But what happens if you need your regions to be dynamic - e.g. an arbitrary number of tabs in a tabset?

We've been posting blogs about Drupal for over 10 years at OSTraining, and so every once in a while someone finds an old blog post from Drupal 6 or even Drupal 7 and asks a question.  Well that's exactly what happened this week when somebody asked

The Top Benefits Graphic Design Provides for Your Marketing Team

Healthcare Embraces DevOps as Cloud Fervor from 2020 Finally Slows
