
Half of enterprises cannot trust their CRM data for a single source of truth on customers

With seven days to go until Drupal 8's end of life (on November 2, 2021), now is a good time to take stock of your Drupal 8 sites' modules.

Keeping Your Drupal Expertise Up To Date

26 Oct 2021

With eight days to go until Drupal 8's end of life (on November 2, 2021), now is a good time to take stock of your Drupal 8 sites' modules.

For the past few years, I've examined's contribution data to understand how the Drupal project works. Who develops Drupal? How diverse is the Drupal community? How much of Drupal's maintenance and innovation is sponsored?

The end of life for Drupal 7 (Nov 2022) and Drupal 8 (Nov 2021) is no surprise to anyone who’s been using Drupal. But what happens to websites who still want or need to run these older versions - especially Drupal 7?

Recap of DrupalCon Europe 2021

Daniel Lemon
19 Oct 2021

Microsoft, Intel and Goldman Sachs to lead new TCG work group to tackle supply chain security challenges
