
Introducing Site and Site Manager Modules: Tools for tracking your Drupal sites.


Wed, 10/25/2023 - 14:12

--- In this Halloween-themed episode of Tag1 TeamTalks, Benji Fisher, a top contributor to Drupal, shares two chilling platform migration stories. In the first tale, set in 2019, Benji tackled a government website project with a tight deadline.

A little over a year ago, I ventured into the world of Drupal; a complex content management system. Despite making considerable progress in understanding its intricacies, it's widely acknowledged that Drupal presents a steep learning curve.

Bryan Ruby: Out with the Old, In with the New
Bryan Ruby
Fri, 10/20/2023 - 15:35

As has become a tradition since DrupalCon Amsterdam 2019, all Drupal core initiatives with leads attending DrupalCon Lille took part in a

Personally I’ve found most value in the smaller sessions. There are discussion-style groups around a common interests (BoFs) and presentation seminars.

Six of our team have come over to Lille in France where the annual Drupal conference for Europe is this year.
