
I don't know about you, but as a site builder when I add a date field to a content type in Drupal, and I tell it I do NOT want the time just the date and then I go to a node, and I enter the date, and it shows me both the date AND the time...

WatchGuard Research Finds 12% Spike in Evasive Threats Despite Decrease in Overall Malware Volume

Working in digital design and development, you grow accustomed to the rapid pace of technology. For example: After much anticipation, the latest version of Drupal was released this summer.

The Internet depends on connections – between computers, between people, between ideas. Links, or “hyperlinks” as they were originally called, are a basic tool for creating these connections.

At DrupalCon Global 2020, Tag 1 Consulting CEO Jeremy Andrews and Managing Director Michael Meyers talked about the upcoming Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 end of life.

BADCamp 2020

In the evolving world of web design and development, component-based design systems represent a revolutionary leap -- a previously missing link that replaces an environment of siloed functions and time-consuming complexities with high velocity cap

Ansible is an open source IT automation tool. I tend to describe it as a task-runner with a host database (which Ansible calls the inventory). A big selling point is no agent software is needed on managed remote hosts.

Ansible is an open source IT automation tool. I tend to describe it as a task-runner with a host database (which Ansible calls the inventory). A big selling point is no agent software is needed on managed remote hosts.
