
Vice President of Software Engineering Fabian Franz, is another of Tag1 Consulting’s long time contributors to Drupal.

While many open source projects are successful due in part to their large contributor base, not all projects work best that way; other project leaders prefer to keep contributions from others tightly controlled.

The “Long text and summary” field has a formatter called “Summary or trimmed”. This formatter allows you to trim text to a specified set length which is important if you’re displaying a list of articles.

In our ongoing series of Tag1 Team Talks commemorating the 20th anniversary of Drupal, Tag1 Senior Arch

Tag1's 20 years of Drupal series continues with an interview with Senior Architect Francesco Placella. Francesco has had a account for over thirteen years and in that time has made his own significant contributions.

5 Tips to Use AI and Automation to Simplify Workflow

When speaking with government clients, I’m often asked about web design trends. 
