Drupal core announcements

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Articles from Drupal core announcements

What's new with Drupal 8?

The next beta release for Drupal 8 will be beta 10! (Read more about beta releases.) The beta is scheduled for Wednesday, April 29, 2015.

2015-04-15 (All day) America/New_York

Online meeting (eg. IRC meeting)


2015-04-13 (All day) - 2015-04-19 (All day) Europe/Paris



Welcome to the second quarter of 2015!

2015-04-01 (All day) America/New_York

Online meeting (eg. IRC meeting)


Next week, an international conglomeration of awesome folks will convene in Portland, Oregon for a D8 Accelerate-funded sprint on

The next beta for Drupal 8 will be beta 8! Here is the schedule for the beta release.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Drupal 8.0.0-beta8 released. Emergency commits only.

Here's an update from the Documentation Working Group (DocWG) on what has been happening in Drupal Documentation in the last month or so. Sorry...

The Drupal project just turned 14 years old. There are now over 1 million known installations of Drupal, and Drupal.org has over 1 million users.
