Bryan Ruby

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Articles from Bryan Ruby

New offering to help businesses go global faster by addressing the complexities of localizing content

Nuxeo Platform LTS 2016 Enables Enterprises to Unlock the Full Value of Digital Assets to Create New Revenue Streams and Business Models

Hidden as a contact within the social messaging service Snapchat, the winning concept allows users to upload images and videos, directly connecting with lawyers and activists. 

Small businesses need to leverage every possible opportunity to drive revenue and minimize costs. Therefore, it makes sense to utilize apps that enhance the profitability for your company.

Only 18% of British office workers, who use a personal account/device to access work files or emails, say that data is always encrypted by their employer

The new economy of conversation: How brands can make and maintain meaningful connections and create a lifetime value with customers in ways that’ll set your brand apart in a crowded marketplace, tell an authentic story, foste

Right now, companies are after making more enterprise mobile apps for their employees than before. They are trying to bring their all apps under one umbrella, as some companies have more than one mobile app.

When it comes to boosting employee productivity, it is not uncommon for companies to implement once-every-season tactic of distributing bonuses and other perks.
