
Last Friday, Where It's At NYC website was launched with my design and Drupal theming, done by

I am currently working on a project which uses the module site_user_list and I wanted to use some variables in my template. The documentation of the module said I could use the variables from the $r array but I discovered that was not working.

Yesterday, I gave a presentation at DrupalCamp Colorado entitled "Form Alterations - Getting What You Want in Drupal Without Hacking". I wanted to make sure that everyone has access to the files from the presentation, so here those are:

I'm going to be in Auckland this Friday and am meeting up with some other Drupalers to drink, dine and talk Drupal.

I'm going to be in Auckland this Friday and am meeting up with some other Drupalers to drink, dine and talk Drupal.

I'm going to be in Auckland this Friday and am meeting up with some other Drupalers to drink, dine and talk Drupal.

I'm going to be in Auckland this Friday and am meeting up with some other Drupalers to drink, dine and talk Drupal.
