
During a recent browser upgrade I found myself stuck in a bit of a corner. The Firefox add-on I had been using, Xdebug Helper, was discontinued, and the supposed replacement add-on for it didn't work correctly.

During a recent browser upgrade I found myself stuck in a bit of a corner. The Firefox add-on I had been using, Xdebug Helper, was discontinued, and the supposed replacement add-on for it didn't work correctly.

I'm happy to announce that Custom Formatters 1.3 is now available for download.

The primary changes this time around are:

Despite the overall job situation nowadays, for a Drupal developer/designer, things look pretty good. There are way more drupal jobs and contracts than the local talent can fill. Way more.

Packt Publishing seem to have liked my review of Drupal 6 Javascript and jQuery, so much so they have asked me to review another title.

UPDATE: I've updated some of the numbers below to reflect corrections for a testing error.

UPDATE: I've updated some of the numbers below to reflect corrections for a testing error.

After a highly successful Drupal deployment for the American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP) national website, the ASMP decided to a

Thanks to NatureBridge for helping sponsor this module! If you like this module, please consider

I finally had a chance to investigate an optimization which I've been wondering about for a while now - serving static files of a site from somewhere else.
