Articles from ThinkShout

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Next week, nine of us will ship out to New Orleans for DrupalCon.

As Drupal 7 developers, we know how risky it is to edit production code and configuration live. However, we often let clients do it because using Features is hard.

Drupal 8 theming can be irksome with cache-rebuilding and browser refreshing, especially with responsive design. Wouldn’t it be great if you could just open your site on three different devices and have them update live as you edit your theme?

We were recently asked by a client to edit the user profile view page on their site.

Have you heard the news? A ThinkShout-built site has been nominated for a Webby! And yes, it’s a Drupal site.

While many of you were on spring break, working on your tans… we spent our spring break in San Jose.

It’s easy to take for granted all the great tools we use on the web, everything from email, to social media, to git hosting. Many of these services are free or use advertising to support the sometimes significant costs to run them.

It’s easy to take for granted all the great tools we use on the web, everything from email, to social media, to git hosting. Many of these services are free or use advertising to support the sometimes significant costs to run them.

A fundamental part of ThinkShout’s philosophy and business is to not only use great open source tools, but to actively give back to the open source com


Articles from ThinkShout

Next week, nine of us will ship out to New Orleans for DrupalCon.

As Drupal 7 developers, we know how risky it is to edit production code and configuration live. However, we often let clients do it because using Features is hard.

Drupal 8 theming can be irksome with cache-rebuilding and browser refreshing, especially with responsive design. Wouldn’t it be great if you could just open your site on three different devices and have them update live as you edit your theme?

We were recently asked by a client to edit the user profile view page on their site.

Have you heard the news? A ThinkShout-built site has been nominated for a Webby! And yes, it’s a Drupal site.

While many of you were on spring break, working on your tans… we spent our spring break in San Jose.

It’s easy to take for granted all the great tools we use on the web, everything from email, to social media, to git hosting. Many of these services are free or use advertising to support the sometimes significant costs to run them.

It’s easy to take for granted all the great tools we use on the web, everything from email, to social media, to git hosting. Many of these services are free or use advertising to support the sometimes significant costs to run them.

A fundamental part of ThinkShout’s philosophy and business is to not only use great open source tools, but to actively give back to the open source com
