Articles from ThinkDrop Consulting

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We are Drupal architects and engineers that help organizations that are adopting Drupal.

With 2012 over, were now approaching a full year of development of what started out as a pet project of mine: DevShop.

With 2012 over, were now approaching a full year of development of what started out as a pet project of mine: DevShop.

I will never manually create a database again. As long as I work in Drupal, every database I create or user I grant permissions to is managed by the Aegir hosting system.

I will never manually create a database again. As long as I work in Drupal, every database I create or user I grant permissions to is managed by the Aegir hosting system.

Today I went through setting up another Atrium for another client. As I start going through and turning on the same things I always turn on for any, I think about how we might create our own enhanced atrium profile...

Today I went through setting up another Atrium for another client. As I start going through and turning on the same things I always turn on for any, I think about how we might create our own enhanced atrium profile...

Time and time again, we have been asked to provide helpful messaging to the users of a website we've built.

Time and time again, we have been asked to provide helpful messaging to the users of a website we've built.

I've had the chance to use a little-known function twice in the last few weeks: views_get_view_result().


Articles from ThinkDrop Consulting

We are Drupal architects and engineers that help organizations that are adopting Drupal.

With 2012 over, were now approaching a full year of development of what started out as a pet project of mine: DevShop.

With 2012 over, were now approaching a full year of development of what started out as a pet project of mine: DevShop.

I will never manually create a database again. As long as I work in Drupal, every database I create or user I grant permissions to is managed by the Aegir hosting system.

I will never manually create a database again. As long as I work in Drupal, every database I create or user I grant permissions to is managed by the Aegir hosting system.

Today I went through setting up another Atrium for another client. As I start going through and turning on the same things I always turn on for any, I think about how we might create our own enhanced atrium profile...

Today I went through setting up another Atrium for another client. As I start going through and turning on the same things I always turn on for any, I think about how we might create our own enhanced atrium profile...

Time and time again, we have been asked to provide helpful messaging to the users of a website we've built.

Time and time again, we have been asked to provide helpful messaging to the users of a website we've built.

I've had the chance to use a little-known function twice in the last few weeks: views_get_view_result().
