While coding the MongoDB integration for Drupal 8 I hit a wall first with the InstallerKernel which was easy to remedy with a simple core patch but then a similar problem occurred with the TestRunnerKernel and that one is not so
Earlier this year we undertook a project to upgrade a client's infrastructure to all new servers including a migration from old Puppet scripts which were starting to show their age after many years of server and service changes.
I was drawn to Behavior Driven Development the moment I was pointed toward Behat not just for the automation but because it systematized and gave me a vocabulary for some things I already did pretty well.
Drupal’s highly dynamic and modular nature means that many of the central core and contrib subsystems and modules need to maintain a large amount of meta-data.
DISQUS is a popular "social commenting" platform. It is integrated with many hosted blog platforms and open source CMSes, including Drupal. A client of ours exported the comments from their old Wordpress blog and then imported them into DISQUS.
While coding the MongoDB integration for Drupal 8 I hit a wall first with the InstallerKernel which was easy to remedy with a simple core patch but then a similar problem occurred with the TestRunnerKernel and that one is not so
Earlier this year we undertook a project to upgrade a client's infrastructure to all new servers including a migration from old Puppet scripts which were starting to show their age after many years of server and service changes.
I was drawn to Behavior Driven Development the moment I was pointed toward Behat not just for the automation but because it systematized and gave me a vocabulary for some things I already did pretty well.
Drupal’s highly dynamic and modular nature means that many of the central core and contrib subsystems and modules need to maintain a large amount of meta-data.
DISQUS is a popular "social commenting" platform. It is integrated with many hosted blog platforms and open source CMSes, including Drupal. A client of ours exported the comments from their old Wordpress blog and then imported them into DISQUS.