Articles from Sage Advice

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A bewildering array of services and hosting providers are available to host your Drupal site. Which should you choose?

Since D7 came out, there are many people who are skeptical about how easy it is to manage media types and files. What if we want to make a gallery only images or a gallery of videos? What modules are best to use to make this job simple?

With Drush, we can grab the latest version of a Drupal contributed module (for my example, I'll be referring to CCK)...

$ drush dl cck

...and in special cases, download specific versions of a Drupal contributed module...

If you want to get the taxonomy terms to which a node belongs to in Drupal 6, there's a very convenient function, taxonomy_node_get_terms($nid).

I recently updated some code to use PHP's SimpleXML libraries to generate the XML instead of using templates.  


Recently we had to integrate one of our Drupal sites with an iPhone application.   A 3rd party was developing the iPhone application so basically we just had to provide the API and give some examples on how to talk to our Drupal site.


Articles from Sage Advice


A bewildering array of services and hosting providers are available to host your Drupal site. Which should you choose?

Since D7 came out, there are many people who are skeptical about how easy it is to manage media types and files. What if we want to make a gallery only images or a gallery of videos? What modules are best to use to make this job simple?

With Drush, we can grab the latest version of a Drupal contributed module (for my example, I'll be referring to CCK)...

$ drush dl cck

...and in special cases, download specific versions of a Drupal contributed module...

If you want to get the taxonomy terms to which a node belongs to in Drupal 6, there's a very convenient function, taxonomy_node_get_terms($nid).

I recently updated some code to use PHP's SimpleXML libraries to generate the XML instead of using templates.  


Recently we had to integrate one of our Drupal sites with an iPhone application.   A 3rd party was developing the iPhone application so basically we just had to provide the API and give some examples on how to talk to our Drupal site.
