Articles from Redfin Solutions

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We were having a situation with a site where sessions weren’t being shared between insecure (http) and secure (https / SSL).

Redfin is pleased to announce the 1.0 release of the uc_cashnet module, a payment processor for Drupal's Ubercart 6.x that integrates with their external payment service, similar to 2Checkout.

Redfin Solutions was recently quoted in an IT World article: "Joomla vs.


Articles from Redfin Solutions

We were having a situation with a site where sessions weren’t being shared between insecure (http) and secure (https / SSL).

Redfin is pleased to announce the 1.0 release of the uc_cashnet module, a payment processor for Drupal's Ubercart 6.x that integrates with their external payment service, similar to 2Checkout.

Redfin Solutions was recently quoted in an IT World article: "Joomla vs.
