Articles from Phase2

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As we’ve said before, enabling organizations to transform digitally is at the heart of Phase2’s focus on content, collaboration, and experience.

Today is an exciting day for the Drupal community!

Today is an exciting day for the Drupal community!

Today is an exciting day for the Drupal community!

Today is an exciting day for the Drupal community!

After a very successful drush code-sprint at BADCamp 2014, drush make now supports YAML format!

Instead of the old INI format

api = 2

After a very successful drush code-sprint at BADCamp 2014, drush make now supports YAML format!

Instead of the old INI format

api = 2


Articles from Phase2

As we’ve said before, enabling organizations to transform digitally is at the heart of Phase2’s focus on content, collaboration, and experience.

Today is an exciting day for the Drupal community!

Today is an exciting day for the Drupal community!

Today is an exciting day for the Drupal community!

Today is an exciting day for the Drupal community!

After a very successful drush code-sprint at BADCamp 2014, drush make now supports YAML format!

Instead of the old INI format

api = 2

After a very successful drush code-sprint at BADCamp 2014, drush make now supports YAML format!

Instead of the old INI format

api = 2
