After speaking to dozens of higher ed institutions over the last several years, I’m convinced now more than ever that open source technology, particularly Drupal, is the best fit for these organizations.
Launching a new Drupal website is exciting and can be a little risky if you aren’t careful. There are several things to accomplish, details that are too essential to overlook, and many people collaborating to make the deployment go smoothly.
The first time I spoke at a tech conference was about five years ago at the University of Southern California (USC), in Los Angeles. It was at an annual conference called Code Camp whose audience is mostly Microsoft developers.
They say that hindsight is 20/20. With the many advances that have happened in the Drupal community recently, we asked our team "What is the one thing you wish you knew about Drupal two years ago?"
It’s been several days since the finale of Dreamforce 2014. With over 100,000 attendees, Dreamforce is one of the world’s largest cloud computing and business conferences.
Today, Mediacurrent is extremely proud to announce that we have been named the 2014 Best Overall Small Business by Salesforce. The award celebrates the best overall marketing and sales story at the SMB level (1-100 employees).