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Articles from Mediacurrent

Omnichannel. Change Management. Frictionless Design. Bikeshedding. #BuzzwordBingo

I recently had a need to allow users to create a single comment on two node types, of which only the author could access.  Part of the decision for limiting users to one comment per node was to keep the database size down.

Intranets get a bad reputation. Probably because there are so many outdated and confusing corporate intranets suffering from content sprawl.

This week, we’re celebrating the season by donning ugly holiday sweaters— and taking a moment to reflect on the past year.

Recorded December 14th, 2016.

On this, our last episode of 2016, we wanted to take some time and wish you all, our fair watches, a happy holiday. Have a great end of 2016 and we look forward 2017.

Upgrading websites off of legacy platforms and onto Drupal is a pretty common request.
