Articles from Kris Vanderwater

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It is with a mixture of bitter and sweet that I am officially announcing that I'm leaving Commerce Guys for a new position elsewhere. I have really enjoyed the last 3 (nearly 4) years at Commerce Guys.

A Drupaler in Symfony Land

To say I've spent a lot of time working on Drupal 8 over the last 21 months would be a bit of an understatement.

Drupal 8: Blocks & Layouts Everywhere

In early February a gathering of developers came together in Acquia’s offices to decide the fate of the Drupal 8 initiative known as WSCCI (Web Services and Core Context Initiative).

Using Google+ Pages for Modules

You may have noticed the nice little g+ icon on the site, I've started using a Google+ Page to deliver and organize information about the Contextual Administration module I maintain.

Site Building Super Tools (AKA my Drupalcon/camp Sessions)

For the past 2 seasons of camps and cons, I've been proposing some material that has taken a lot of its cues from page_manager and ctools.

Changing How You Administer With Contextual Administration


Articles from Kris Vanderwater

It is with a mixture of bitter and sweet that I am officially announcing that I'm leaving Commerce Guys for a new position elsewhere. I have really enjoyed the last 3 (nearly 4) years at Commerce Guys.

A Drupaler in Symfony Land

To say I've spent a lot of time working on Drupal 8 over the last 21 months would be a bit of an understatement.

Drupal 8: Blocks & Layouts Everywhere

In early February a gathering of developers came together in Acquia’s offices to decide the fate of the Drupal 8 initiative known as WSCCI (Web Services and Core Context Initiative).

Using Google+ Pages for Modules

You may have noticed the nice little g+ icon on the site, I've started using a Google+ Page to deliver and organize information about the Contextual Administration module I maintain.

Site Building Super Tools (AKA my Drupalcon/camp Sessions)

For the past 2 seasons of camps and cons, I've been proposing some material that has taken a lot of its cues from page_manager and ctools.

Changing How You Administer With Contextual Administration
