Articles from InternetDevels

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This year was rich in different IT-events of any kind. InternetDevels company also doesn’t stay aside the movements and trends taking place in Drupal community.

It all happened on winter holidays eve, on Saturday, 13, when DrupalTour team visited “Little Paris” — Chernivtsi. The second Drupal tourists’ point of destination met us very friendly and was eager to welcome IT-event of completely new kind.

If you stop, you loose. This rule works always, especially speaking about IT industry. Those, who work with Drupal for a long time, probably remember how hard it was to switch from Drupal 6 to its 7th version.

Everyone is happy to get a sign of appreciation, right? So were we having received a message from the American ranking service, which is regularly analyzing the market worldwide to make up lists of the best companies in certain spheres.

Long time ago in a galaxy far far away… Hold on, it was precisely 7 years ago, 15 November, 2007 in Lutsk, when the InternetDevels Drupal development studio was founded.

Ukrainian Drupal community with an active support of InternetDevels team has actually invented completely unique kind of Drupal event, which makes the whole community go wow! So, ladies and gentlemen, we proudly present you Drupal Tour!

Where on this planet as a pedestrian you can be hit by bicycle and… be guilty for it? Amsterdam, you are just awesome! :)

Site building is a hell of a challenge. Like designing from scratch is easier… Or managing dozens of people devoted to the project. Or keeping a 2-floor office in order and cleanness. Gosh, every duty and specialization is a challenge!

Four months of preparation. Three golden sponsors. Two days. One Lviv Euro Drupal Camp 2014.


Articles from InternetDevels

This year was rich in different IT-events of any kind. InternetDevels company also doesn’t stay aside the movements and trends taking place in Drupal community.

It all happened on winter holidays eve, on Saturday, 13, when DrupalTour team visited “Little Paris” — Chernivtsi. The second Drupal tourists’ point of destination met us very friendly and was eager to welcome IT-event of completely new kind.

If you stop, you loose. This rule works always, especially speaking about IT industry. Those, who work with Drupal for a long time, probably remember how hard it was to switch from Drupal 6 to its 7th version.

Everyone is happy to get a sign of appreciation, right? So were we having received a message from the American ranking service, which is regularly analyzing the market worldwide to make up lists of the best companies in certain spheres.

Long time ago in a galaxy far far away… Hold on, it was precisely 7 years ago, 15 November, 2007 in Lutsk, when the InternetDevels Drupal development studio was founded.

Ukrainian Drupal community with an active support of InternetDevels team has actually invented completely unique kind of Drupal event, which makes the whole community go wow! So, ladies and gentlemen, we proudly present you Drupal Tour!

Where on this planet as a pedestrian you can be hit by bicycle and… be guilty for it? Amsterdam, you are just awesome! :)

Site building is a hell of a challenge. Like designing from scratch is easier… Or managing dozens of people devoted to the project. Or keeping a 2-floor office in order and cleanness. Gosh, every duty and specialization is a challenge!

Four months of preparation. Three golden sponsors. Two days. One Lviv Euro Drupal Camp 2014.
