Articles from Gábor Hojtsy

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Upgrade Status is growing to be an almost (if not entirely) indispensable tool for Drupal 8 sites to asses and prepare for their upgrade to Drupal 9.

This year Drupal Global Contribution Weekend is on January 24-26, 2020 with such varied locations as Delhi, Novosibirsk, Ghent, Frankfurt, Milan, Zurich, Lutsk, London (on two cont

In his State of Drupal keynote at DrupalCon Amsterdam, Dries Buytaert showed once again some tools to use to prepare for Drupal 9 including


Articles from Gábor Hojtsy

Upgrade Status is growing to be an almost (if not entirely) indispensable tool for Drupal 8 sites to asses and prepare for their upgrade to Drupal 9.

This year Drupal Global Contribution Weekend is on January 24-26, 2020 with such varied locations as Delhi, Novosibirsk, Ghent, Frankfurt, Milan, Zurich, Lutsk, London (on two cont

In his State of Drupal keynote at DrupalCon Amsterdam, Dries Buytaert showed once again some tools to use to prepare for Drupal 9 including
