At DrupalCon Austin 2014, we officially kicked off the reimagination of with a full-day workshop with Drupal Association staff, Working Groups, select board members and advisors, facilitated by our user experience coach Whitney Hess.
As you may have seen, we recently sent out a call for designers. We utilized the process we created last year, but with one twist: this year, instead of hiring one designer to produce both of the 2015 Cons, we are hiring two designers to produce
May 2014 – PORTLAND – The Drupal Association, the nonprofit that helps the Drupal open source project flourish, announced that two new members are joining the organization’s board of directors.
At DrupalCon Austin 2014, we officially kicked off the reimagination of with a full-day workshop with Drupal Association staff, Working Groups, select board members and advisors, facilitated by our user experience coach Whitney Hess.
As you may have seen, we recently sent out a call for designers. We utilized the process we created last year, but with one twist: this year, instead of hiring one designer to produce both of the 2015 Cons, we are hiring two designers to produce
May 2014 – PORTLAND – The Drupal Association, the nonprofit that helps the Drupal open source project flourish, announced that two new members are joining the organization’s board of directors.