Articles from Drupal @ Penn State

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It was a nice little saturday in happy valley. Since my son is forcing us to watch the Sponge Bob Square Pants movie over and over, I decided to multi-task.

I was made aware that it’s been close to a year since I actually did a demo of the reason that I contribute so many modules to drupal. org. For those that don’t know, the reason I exist is a project called ELMS Learning Network.

Yesterday something significant occurred, launched on the new Polaris 2 Drupal platform.

There’s many dirty little secrets in Drupal 7 core’s API when it comes to inconsistencies and oversights.

One of the options in Nittany Vagrant is to build a local, development version of an existing Drupal site - copying the files and database, then downloading it to the Vagrant VM.

I recently had to switch profiles for this website. In the process of doing that, I immediately afterwards said “wow, I feel like other people have had this issue”.

This screencast shows how you can use a cloud provider like Digital Ocean to install a working copy of ELMSLN by copying and pasting the following line into the terminal:

Welcome to the new Drupal @ PSU!

Whenever there is a constraint on the number of developers in a pool, it can make it more difficult to solve issues.


Articles from Drupal @ Penn State

It was a nice little saturday in happy valley. Since my son is forcing us to watch the Sponge Bob Square Pants movie over and over, I decided to multi-task.

I was made aware that it’s been close to a year since I actually did a demo of the reason that I contribute so many modules to drupal. org. For those that don’t know, the reason I exist is a project called ELMS Learning Network.

Yesterday something significant occurred, launched on the new Polaris 2 Drupal platform.

There’s many dirty little secrets in Drupal 7 core’s API when it comes to inconsistencies and oversights.

One of the options in Nittany Vagrant is to build a local, development version of an existing Drupal site - copying the files and database, then downloading it to the Vagrant VM.

I recently had to switch profiles for this website. In the process of doing that, I immediately afterwards said “wow, I feel like other people have had this issue”.

This screencast shows how you can use a cloud provider like Digital Ocean to install a working copy of ELMSLN by copying and pasting the following line into the terminal:

Welcome to the new Drupal @ PSU!

Whenever there is a constraint on the number of developers in a pool, it can make it more difficult to solve issues.
