Dries Buytaert

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Articles from Dries Buytaert

Seventeen years ago today, I open-sourced the software behind Drop.org and released Drupal 1.0.0.

In this post, I'm providing some guidance on how and when to decouple Drupal.

The entrance to Acquia's headquarters in Boston.

At Acquia, our mission is to deliver "the universal platform for the greatest digital experiences" and we want to lead by example.

Last night I was working on the album functionality for this website. CSS is not my strong suit, so I wanted to get some help from a CSS linter.

Last month, the Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Ajit Pai, released a draft order that would soften net neutrality regulations.

Now Drupal 8.4 is released, and Drupal 8.5 development is underway, it is a good time to give an update on what is happening with Drupal's Layout Initiative.

8.4: Stable versions of layout functionality
