Development Seed

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Articles from Development Seed

Quality data and analytics is of crucial importance in public procurement.

We believe deeply in an open and secure internet, and try to use services that respect our privacy. Knowing which companies do is way harder than it should be.

Miles Watkins is the newest member of our team! Miles is a self-taught Pythonista who loves exploring new open datasets and creating useful tools.

The open data movement is evolving. For years we were primarily concerned with opening data any way possible. It has quickly become clear that it matters how we open data.

Mexixo City is the stage of the Open Government Partnership summit, bringing together 1500 open data advocates from civil society, businesses, and government officials from 70 coun

The Open Government Partnership summit is about to kick off, bringing together 1500 participants from all over the world.

2.8 billion people live on less than two dollars per day. For this half of the worlds population, any economic shock can be crippling and even fatal.

Development Seed is moving. On Monday we’ll open our new Washington DC office in Blagden Alley.

Two of our space industry partners Aquila Space and Astro Digital were featured in a

We just created Planet Stream a Twitter-like firehose of OSM data.
