Articles from Development Seed

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Building a community around an open-source project is critically important to its success so that it can grow and stay relevant over time.

Real-time data is great. Building real-time interfaces is hard.

Amazon Web Services has been around for 10 years, with S3 buckets and EC2 instances having fully become part of the global developer consciousness.

Sentinel-2 is now live on the Satellites in Global Development Landscape Report. Sentinel-2 is the European Space Agency’s newest satellite providing open imagery data.

OpenStreetMap now has real-time user analytics.

OpenStreetMap now has real-time user analytics.

Uganda held general elections on February 18th, that were widely criticized by

Yesterday, Development Seed hosted an Open Mapping Happy Hour at our office in Blagden Alley.

The new Astro Digital Imagery Browser launched today. It is incredibly easy to process satellite imagery for the places that you care about – today and into the future.

We’re happy to welcome Ali Felski to the Development Seed family! Ali has led design teams at Sunlight Foundation and iStrategyLabs.


Articles from Development Seed

Building a community around an open-source project is critically important to its success so that it can grow and stay relevant over time.

Real-time data is great. Building real-time interfaces is hard.

Amazon Web Services has been around for 10 years, with S3 buckets and EC2 instances having fully become part of the global developer consciousness.

Sentinel-2 is now live on the Satellites in Global Development Landscape Report. Sentinel-2 is the European Space Agency’s newest satellite providing open imagery data.

OpenStreetMap now has real-time user analytics.

OpenStreetMap now has real-time user analytics.

Uganda held general elections on February 18th, that were widely criticized by

Yesterday, Development Seed hosted an Open Mapping Happy Hour at our office in Blagden Alley.

The new Astro Digital Imagery Browser launched today. It is incredibly easy to process satellite imagery for the places that you care about – today and into the future.

We’re happy to welcome Ali Felski to the Development Seed family! Ali has led design teams at Sunlight Foundation and iStrategyLabs.
