At INsReady Inc., we have been practising the theming workflow below for more than a year. Therefore, it's good to write down the documentation for sharing and future training purposes.
Images form a big part of our website. This recipe will quickly run through how to configure image cache (different image presets for image ng) for different breakpoints using the breakpoint and responsive image modules.
Now that you’ve got a basic framework for your wireframes, you’re ready to dive in! You should have a fat stack of paper wireframes to work from, so the hard thinking should be done already.
Now that you’ve got a basic framework for your wireframes, you’re ready to dive in! You should have a fat stack of paper wireframes to work from, so the hard thinking should be done already.
Now that you’ve got a basic framework for your wireframes, you’re ready to dive in! You should have a fat stack of paper wireframes to work from, so the hard thinking should be done already.
Now that you’ve got a basic framework for your wireframes, you’re ready to dive in! You should have a fat stack of paper wireframes to work from, so the hard thinking should be done already.