
Attention Drupalers and users of the internet in the Chicagoland area and throughout the Midwest, DrupalCamp Fox Valley is open for registration.

Attention Drupalers and users of the internet in the Chicagoland area and throughout the Midwest, DrupalCamp Fox Valley is open for registration.

Today at 15:30 CET I'm giving a workshop on how to document your site with Walkthroughs at Drupalaton. Anyone participating in the workshop will get an account on

Today at 15:30 CET I'm giving a workshop on how to document your site with Walkthroughs at Drupalaton. Anyone participating in the workshop will get an account on

Today at 15:30 CET I'm giving a workshop on how to document your site with Walkthroughs at Drupalaton. Anyone participating in the workshop will get an account on

One thing I have always missed in PHP is a useful and robust REPL. A tool you could fire up, throw code at and have it evaluated in real time.

Recently the Omega 4 base theme, despite its beta status, has been declared ready for production use.

CSS generated content is cool. You can make those little triangles everyone seems to love, but its real purpose is to let you add presentational words that would otherwise be a pain to generate in markup for some situations.

CSS generated content is cool. You can make those little triangles everyone seems to love, but its real purpose is to let you add presentational words that would otherwise be a pain to generate in markup for some situations.
