
  1. Not Changing APC's Default apc.shm_size Value
  1. Not Changing APC's Default apc.shm_size Value

Four easy to fix mistakes that will kill site performance

Using Behat with Drupal
By Frank Ralf

Tucked away under the Views UI's "advanced" fieldset is a too-seldom-used option: Views caching. It allows you to cache the query results and/or rendered markup for any given view. This can drastically improve your site's performance.

Tucked away under the Views UI's "advanced" fieldset is a too-seldom-used option: Views caching. It allows you to cache the query results and/or rendered markup for any given view. This can drastically improve your site's performance.


Based on some comments below, I have updated the function with a sligtly more drupalesck approach. Thanks for the comments!

Mentors Wanted
By Cathy Theys

The second alpha release of CiviCRM 4.4 is now available for downloading AND you can try it out on the 4.4 sandbox site!

We Need You to Try it Out!
