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Now that you’ve got a basic framework for your wireframes, you’re ready to dive in! You should have a fat stack of paper wireframes to work from, so the hard thinking should be done already.
Wireframing With OmniGraffle, Part 2: Tips and Resources
In this tutorial we'll explore how to make a simple mobile application game with DrupalGap for a Drupal 7 website.
Calling all Drupalers!
var switchTo5x = false;stLight.options({"publisher":"dr-75626d0b-d9b4-2fdb-6d29-1a20f61d683"});
Written on July 22, 2013 - 14:19
Drupal 8 Field API series part 1: field formatters
I'm currently helping some friends rebuild the theological education website, BiblicalTraining.org, in Drupal 7 with Drupal Commerce.