
Yes this is the first Training we conducted outside Chennai (our hometown)! It is always a wonderful experience training students! This is the 3rd Training this year & 7th as team Drupal Chennai!

I work on a Drupal application which utilizes Drupal taxonomy for grouping products on the front page. A view displays an image for each product grouping, allowing users to click through and view products in the selected category.

Dans Rails 3, les pages d'erreur sont dans le répertoire public/, on n'a donc pas
accès aux helpers de Rails, ni au layout.

Pour y remédier, on peut faire des rescue_from dans l'application.

I recently presented Salsa: Spicy CRM Integration for Drupal-Powered Nonprofits at CapitalCamp, the District of Columbia's Drupal cam

I recently presented Salsa: Spicy CRM Integration for Drupal-Powered Nonprofits at CapitalCamp, the District of Columbia's Drupal cam

If there's one thing that's constant in the web world, it's change.

For those Drupal devs new to submitting your own custom module to (as I am) you'll find a very well structured review process you have to pass first.

Written on August 5, 2013 - 10:46

Drupal 8 Field API series part 2: field widgets
