
With the current feature freeze of Drupal 5.0, it seems a good time to startup some marketing actions. A lot of people give presentations about Drupal in their country.

You are dedicated to Drupal and willing to help fixing bugs by coding, testing or documenting.

We are the creators of the best CMS in the world: Drupal.


For anyone interested in seeing a Drupal site that pushes all the known limits of what Drupal can do, check out MTV-UK's newly relaunched site.

Thanks to all the hard work we've done in the past three months, the next version of Drupal will have a lot of great improvements, including an installer, requirement checking for modules, a reorganization of the administration pages and file stru

IBM's Internet Technology Group has written a very nice series of articles on Drupal, the

Not much dramatic has happened in the last few months. Mostly it's been editing and incremental adding, editing and updating pages with a few bonuses. To highlight some items seems a good idea. Please chime in as I'm sure I've missed some.

We've just posted the 21st episode of the Drupal Podcast! It is an interview with JQuery author, John Resig. We talk about what JQuery is, how it works, and how it will fit into Drupal.

The first Hungarian Drupal conference is going to take place in Budapest on the 30th of September 2006. Dries Buytaert is our guest with an overview and visionary presentation.
