
I kind of finished the parser bit of the transformer routines for splitting off the theme functions from the drupal modules. It ended up a bigger thing than anticipated. The parser doesn't handle yet functions returning references.

I'm pleased to announce the first ever world-wide Drupal Developer TeleConference! All Drupal developers, those wishing to become developers or just those with an interest in Drupal's development process are encouraged to attend.

Get your text editors started: the next Drupal code freeze will be September 1st. This means all new features for the next Drupal release need to make it into the development version ("CVS HEAD") no later than August 31st.

This announcement is directed at those who have CVS commit access to our contributions repository.

Alaa - a blogger, an activist, a drupal contributor and more importantly just a man was jailed for being on a demo. Disgusting.

Spencer Critchley recently interviewed me about CivicSpace, Drupal, an

I've just uploaded into the bryght svn a basic filter, actually a couple of them (I

UPDATE: The application process has ended. Thank you for all the great applications.

Google is still accepting applications until May 8.

Funny things these summer of code applications. Some of them come a very well thought out projects, others are more like cloudy ideas.
