
We are having a Drupal meet-up for everyone in the Washington, DC, area next week on Thursday, November 2nd at 7pm.

Drupal 4.6.10 and Drupal 4.7.4 are available for download. These are maintenance releases that fix problems reported using the bug tracking system, as well as three security vulnerabilities.

Date: Thursday 26th October 2006, 1:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.Location: Olympia 2, London, UK Google map

There is an effort to bring internationalization (i18n) tools to Drupal core. But to make this happen first we need your help!

I'd just like to say that caching support kicks ass. My site ( was slashdotted and dugg at the same time yesterday, peaking at around 18,000 pageviews. is an daily international radio news magazine, co-produced by PRI, the BBC World Ser

Hello all. This topic serves as both an announcement and a call for volunteers.

After listening to the Brussels Drupalcon podcast I thought it would be good to post a general write up on the state of support on and what new people or people not really involv
